Head and shoulders photo of Ben Frain

Hi! I'm Ben Frain

A web developer and author. I write web development books, make online courses, and publish YouTube videos.

Book cover of Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS, Fourth Edition

Learn how to build modern, responsive websites.

Major updates in the latest, 4th Edition – container queries, cascade layers, subgrid and more.

Learn More...

Video Course
Ultimate Text Editing Productivity with Sublime Text
This course is excellent. Ben did a great job of explaining the various functionalities of Sublime

Jovan Nikolic, Skillshare

Recent Posts

In search of the perfect autocomplete for CSS

Forget about any of your AI nonsense, I’m talking good ol’ autocomplete. CSS differs than most other frontend languages/dialects I write in that its declarative nature lends itself to strumming out a bunch of property/value pairs that an autocomplete can…

Managing multiple versions of node, without NVM or additional tools

So, you are in a situation where you have to use specific versions of Node, but don’t have access to NVM or N. Its a pain to do the clicky-clicky installer everytime and re-install. You want a quicker way of…