CSS performance test: Flexbox v CSS Table – Fight!

1283 words   8 comments

Be a better front-end developer: the way of pragmatic coding

3609 words   7 comments

Improving the CSS performance of fixed position elements

1251 words   14 comments

CSS performance revisited: selectors, bloat and expensive styles

2593 words   48 comments

Image sprites or data URIs? Icon fonts or SVGs? A Grunt workflow for the ‘gold’ standard

4171 words   18 comments

Easy CSS fix for fixed positioning on Android 2.2 and 2.3

613 words   10 comments

The cost of 1KB?

1677 words   1 comments

Writing modular CSS (BEM/OOCSS) selectors with Sass 3.3

1314 words   11 comments

The Modular CSS (BEM/OOCSS) naming conundrum

1373 words   7 comments

Inline or combined media queries in Sass? Fight!

1309 words   8 comments